Šetrite peniazmi
Vďaka novému motoru Inverter PowerDrive, optimalizovaným programom a inteligentným riešeniam kombinujú umývačky riadu Gorenje vynikajúce výsledky umývania a sušenia s veľmi nízkou spotrebou energie.
Žiadne produkty
Ide o vstavaný spotrebič, čelný panel na dvierkach nie je súčasťou dodávky.
Vďaka novému motoru Inverter PowerDrive, optimalizovaným programom a inteligentným riešeniam kombinujú umývačky riadu Gorenje vynikajúce výsledky umývania a sušenia s veľmi nízkou spotrebou energie.
Excellent for quick drying with low energy consumption. After the washing cycle, the dishwasher door automatically opens just slightly to let out the excess steam. This allows fresh air to reach the tableware, so the washed items like plastic dishes dry completely.
Sometimes all you need is to give the glassware a light rinse, on other occasions your dishwasher is full of heavy dishes with left overs from Sunday lunch. The advanced sensor technology will always adjust your dishwashing programme to clean dishes perfectly with optimized water and energy consumption.
An effective and fast programme designed for daily use on dishes with slightly dried leftovers. This program works at 65°C and it is finished in 1 hour.
The fully flexible interior allows different loading options, while two baskets offer enough space to clean even 14 place settings at a time. With equally perfect washingeffects.
Effortless and fast loading your dish, upper basket have now smooth gliding. Loading and unloading has never been so fast and easy, thanks to user-friendly ball bearing guide rails on the upper basket
With this specially developed glass programme, Gorenje UltraClean dishwashers will take gentle care of all of your glassware. Due to the lower washing temperature it is safe to use even on crystal glasses.
The truly simple two level basket adjustment system allows you to fit even the biggest pots and plates. It makes your dishwasher's interior completely adjustable to your current needs.
Predstavte si, že pozvete priateľov na večeru – a riad z hlavného chodu je umytý, zatiaľ čo vy servírujete dezert. Vďaka hodinovému programu s funkciou SpeedWash zvládne umývačka umyť riad už za 15 minút. Ideálne riešenie pre chvíle, keď máte plný dom hostí.
This programme includes an additional rinse with cool water, followed by an extended wash with hot water at 70 °C to eliminate 99.9 % of all bacteria. The program that mimics the sterilization process is made for anyone with exceptionally high hygiene standards.
The rinsing system together with automatic filter clogging prevention ensures the filter to operate without faults and require significantly less cleaning.
A clean dishwasher tub ensures that the washing performance will always live up to your expectations. Run the self-cleaning program once a month and you'll never have to hand scrub the dishwasher tub, spray arms and pipes again.
Navigating your dishwasher has never been easier. All the controls are located at an ergonomic position with a straightforward left-to-right logic of operation. While all models excel with the white LED display, some of the more advanced models are also enriched with touch control. Just one touch is enough to start the dishwashing process.
With the AquaStop safety feature, the dishwasher can be safely left to operate at night as well as in your absence. In case of a leakage or flooding, AquaStop automatically cuts off the water supply while the pump drains the water out of the dishwasher tub.AquaStop remains fully functional over the lifetime of the appliance.
UltraClean cutlery baskets affords ultimate flexibility when washing cutlery. Depending on your needs, you can use the full cutlery basket or divide it into two separate parts, that can be placed in different positions in the bottom dishwasher basket. This way, you will be able to fit as much dishes, pots and pans into the dishwasher as possible.
Naša spoločnosť je autorizovaným predajcom spotrebičov značky Gorenje pre slovenský trh. Na všetky spotrebiče máte možnosť po dobu zakonnej záruky bezplatne využívať autorizovaný záručný servis priamo u Vás doma bez potreby zasielať tovar späť k do nášho obchodu.
Pokiaľ máte záujem kúpiť tento spotrebič v inom obchode overte si akým spôsobom realizuje vybavenie reklamácie. Zasielať spotrebič na opravu späť do obchodu a čakať na vybavenie reklamácie je nepríjemné. U nás sa Vám to nestane.